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A small dip in DFS use

Compared to last interview, there is a small 1.5% increase in respondents saying they use DFS rarely. This number was steadily going down before. There are also 3.4% more respondents using DFS 'Sometimes'.

Still I think it's safe to say that the frequency of DFS use is high and stable in this population.

There are no big differences between groups: male respondents and respondents in the treatment group seem to use DFS a bit more often.

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Respondent datacards grouped by DFS2: How often have you been using digital financial services, since the last visit?
41.1% 35.4% 15.8% 7.6% DFS2: How often have you been using digital f…SometimesOftenVery OftenRarely
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DFS2: How often have you been using digital financial services, since the last visit? (Men)

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DFS2: How often have you been using digital financial services, since the last visit? (Treatment)

Group: Treatment
3130166OftenSometimesVery OftenRarelyCount02040
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DFS2: How often have you been using digital financial services, since the last visit? (Women)

Gender: Female
342686SometimesOftenVery OftenRarelyCount02040
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DFS2: How often have you been using digital financial services, since the last visit? (Control)

Group: Control
352596SometimesOftenVery OftenRarelyCount02040
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DFS3: Which digital financial services have you been using since the last visit ?

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Use of specific services

This graph hasn't changed a lot over the last few interviews. M-Pesa is used most often, but Okoa Jahazi is close.

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DFS Balances

The balances the respondents say they have on DFS (savings subtracted by the loans) is varying wildly per interview. We can now safely say this is a volatile metric, most likely because participants just loan and save a lot, and the interviews are just a snapshot.

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Average balance on DFS accounts - By group

Title: All - Average, Control - Average or Treatment - Average
7427421kAll - AverageControl - AverageTreatment - AverageAmount01 k2 k
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Average balance on DFS accounts - By gender

Title: Male - Average, Female - Average or All - Average
7421k1kAll - AverageFemale - AverageMale - AverageAmount00.5 k1 k1.5 k
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Count of DFS Balance Buckets

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Questions about learning

  • When asked about what the respondents learned about DFS, most said they didn't learn anything new, or learned about a specific DFS.

  • Most respondents report having no trouble with DFS, but a small percentage cites Network problems / delays.

  • When asked what they learned about saving/spending, most respondents said they didn't learn anything new. They also said they learned about saving in general, and that the more they save, the more they can loan.

  • When asked what they'd like to learn, many respondents say they would like to learn about another DFS than the one they're using.

These questions are very general, so please have a look at the tables that show a selection of the other answers given to these questions about learning.

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DFS4: What did you learn about digital financial services since the last visit?

Filter by Group
Filter by Gender
79.1% 11.4% 9.5% DFS4: What did you learn about digital financi…Nothing newI learned about a specific DFS(15 other)
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DFS6: What kind of trouble have you been having with digital financial services since the last visit?

72.8% 7.6% 5.1% 10.8% DFS6: What kind of trouble have you been ha…No problemsNetwork problems / DelaysI don't qualify for a loanIt's easier to spend / I spend moreNetwork problem(17 other)
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Answers to 'DFS6: What kind of trouble have you been having with digital financial services since the last visit?'

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Respondents want to learn about specific DFS, all DFS, or DFS safety

When asked what they would like to learn about DFS, most respondents didn't want to learn anything. But out of those who did, they wanted to learn how to use a specific DFS, wanted to learn new things about any DFS, and wanted to learn about DFS safety. That last point is noteworthy, because DFS safety wasn't so clear on the agenda for the previous interviews.

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Broad Code - What would you like to learn about digital financial services since the last visit?

Filter by Group
Filter by Gender
38.6% 21.7% 17.5% 9% 6.6% Broad Code - What would you like to learn about dig…NothingHow to use a specific DFSAbout all DFS (in general)DFS safetyMore about loansOther specific useHow to transfer money
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DFS8: How have your saving/spending habits changed since our last visit?

55.1% 26.6% 18.4% DFS8: How have your saving/spending habits chang…They haven't changedI'm spending more / saving lessI'm saving more / spending less
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Last updated: 4 days ago